Tuesday, October 19, 2010

November 22 - my last show.

I have a show at Chop Suey on November 22 with the amazing Kit Nelson. This will be my last show. Annie Lockwood will hang up her guitar and walk away. Why? Because I don't want to play music anymore. Thanks to all that listened, and to all that supported my songs!


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

How far can one go on the "real"?

From the moment I wrote down my first song, the unspoken "deal" I made with myself that is absolutely non-negotiable, is that I be true to who I am as an artist and say what I gotta say because if I don't - the entire thing is pointless. Songs are my therapy sessions and if I become artificially smiley, overly chatty or god forbid schmoozy - that is when I will have shit upon my art. I like my art, it works for me and allows me to put my mouth on....

There was someone on a social network recently who puts together fairly high profile charity events - this person asked this question:

"What do I need to do differently to get y'all to come to these shows, buy these pre-sale tix, etc?" Good question! For whatever reason, I didn't have the option to comment, but if I did, this is what I would have said:

1. Don't get shitty bands/shitty solo acts to play.

2. If your standards are only to get folks that "look" the part - maybe make sure Seattle has heard of these peeps - or offer some kind of preview content (video, etc.).

3. Don't create and live in a weird bubble - if you expect the community to believe in what you're doing which will eventually lead to the community trusting your judgment - include the community. People have way fucking better things to do than go to a shitty show that is made up of "them" and "us" - time is the only valuable asset any of us have - maybe you should ask yourself what would make YOU take the time to go?

4. Nothing will ever change, be made better - or even more tolerable until people can be included and contribute their part in whatever the common goal may be and BELIEVE in it, as well as be appreciated.

This blog entry was a total tangent, but whatever - I might be naive for believing this, but I believe people can do amazing things when they don't have the limitations of assholism or status-itis. I believe there is something to be said for following your gut, being loyal, accomplishing based on merit and of course - laughing a whole fucking lot.

Peace out...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Marketing services for indie artists - godsend or robot?

I've noticed the significant increase of affordable marketing services/tools for musicians - this is really great! In reading details on some services, they appear to perpetuate this social media intertwining of services such that "one" update can be made and ALL sites are updated - too good to be true?

I think so, and this is why: musicians in general already do a very poor job of not posting 100% me, me, me updates which I find repulsive, and robotic, non-personal......

For me, my music is my communication, and my connection with people and I just can't fathom paying a fee for robotic updates - it's gross....Aren't we people?

peace out....Annie.

Monday, July 5, 2010

I'm a "people-ist"

I'm obviously a woman, I am not a feminist - am I thankful I can vote? Yes, I absolutely am. Am I proud of all of the great things that so many great women have done? Yes, I absolutely am - women and being a woman make me proud everyday.

Have there been situations in my life that would have been different and/or I would have been treated different if I was a man? Sure, and this kind of thing pisses me off – but, it pisses me off even more to whine about it. At some point (maybe I am the only woman who feels this way) male OR female – you have to just do your thing – as a person…..

That being said, it's funny how easily song interpretation defaults to "feminism" when the song is by a woman. For this reason, I'm going to list some of my songs and what they actually are about - you'll see I'm really a "people-ist".

Clouds in My Hair – about growing old and dying and writing songs on the “other side” – the “eyeballs in my dress” lyric is a reference to how personal songwriting can be…..I know, total let down…I should have left that one a mystery.

Rumor – this song is about the most horrible, awful and disgusting display of corporate greed I’ve ever seen. This song told me that I felt guilty because of my ethical duty of silence (lyric: “bound & gagged”)….Oh, how I wish I could be more specific.

Stealing My Amens – Primal Scream Therapy.

Love & Pictures – leaving a legacy.

She’s a Gun – pretty self explanatory….

In Stranger’s Clothes – for my grandma.

Handprints Slide – protests child abuse.

You Got Greens – stupidity, selfishness.

Ice In Your Glass – alcoholics.

Much Less of A Lady – this song is very specific and pointed – I will never ever say what this song is about.

There are 11 songs above, and they all have something in common – NONE of them are about being a woman, being a feminist or similar….They are all about PEOPLE.

I’m compelled to write about things I see, or experience – or things I think that are just fucking stupid – mostly, I write about the things that hurt my heart the most.

peace out....Annie.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Chart toppers?

This post will certainly describe my weirdo-ness in detail, which is great since I'm my only follower anyway.

So, recently I log into Facebook and there it is yet again: (Status update "x"): "Listen to my song, let's get it to number 1 on....blah, blah!" Perfect example of the kind of thing that makes me cringe....

First of all, if a bunch of people listen to a song that is on a WEBSITE'S chart (having nothing to do with any resume-building whatsoever) will likely get your song up the "charts", right? Right. Does that do anything for you? No. Is that something you'll put in your press pack as an accomplishment? I hope not.

I probably sound like a bitter, singer-songwriter that is totally bummed that my song wasn't listened to by more than just the fam, and some friends - I assure you, that is not the case, nor is this a judgment on anyone else's music OR any kind of comparison of same - AT ALL. I feel great about my music - period, I don't believe comparison is constructive or valid - I think it's a waste of time. I have too much shit to think about and don't have time to think about what anyone else is doing, might be doing, might be playing that sounds very similar to my song......

Whatever I sound like, whether it be bitter, jaded, whatever - what I feel is embarrassment for the chart toppers, and chart topping invitations - drives me bananas!!! Am I presumptious for thinking that everybody does this for the love of it? - Hell yes I am!!!....peace out.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm My One Follower......& the songs...

The songs: keep coming. I used to think that writing a song was magic, some kind of mystical blessing from wherever you pray to. Now, I don't think they're magic. I think songs come from the same place dreams (the kind you get when you sleep) come from - at least that's what it feels like to me.

One of the "methods" I use to write songs is to just press record and see what comes out and that has really worked well not only in accomplishing writing songs but more importantly - communicating with myself. I'm always the last one to know what my songs are about and most of the time I wish I would have said whatever I said to myself sooner. I don't know if most songwriters communicate with themselves through their songs because I don't know many songwriters.

My only other songwriting method is: music first, lyrics second - this one is kind of confusing to me because musically my songs are as simple as they come, and why that would suggest the vast array of lyrics, I don't know. There is a lot that I don't know about what I do, and I wasted A LOT of time trying to figure out the science of writing songs, music theory, etc., and I never got it - because it doesn't come from a place of music theory, or any other technical black hole, it comes from how I feel, period. That is why I love it so much, I feel like it's the easiest and most relieving way to communicate my feelings. I've said this before, but it is so weird to perform songs, spill your soul - have all eyes on you when that's not really what you're about as a person. That is a mystery that I will never figure out - the introverted performer - that's me.

I noticed that this new blog has only one follower, me - and I am thrilled with that because the only person I have to write songs and sing them for is myself, in the end. This is the one area in my life that I am 100% certain I don't give a fuck what anybody else thinks because I'm gonna say what I'm gonna say - in the only way I know how.

If anyone reads this blog besides me AND if I happen to play a show with you - don't think I'm rude or aloof, I'm a shy person and may or may not talk to you depending on my mood, so I'm shy and moody - awesome.

Until next time.....peace out.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The Singer-Songwriter in C, G, D, Am, Em only

This is a discussion post I wrote for "Seattle Music & Opinion"

This article or “note” is not in any way intended to promote myself or my music (I never wanted SM&O and “Annie Lockwood” to be BFF’s), OR to appear presumptuous, stupid or otherwise too cool for school…..It is simply an “opinion” or “observation” of sorts. In order for me to communicate my point, I have to let Annie Lockwood outta the bag – in the utmost non-promotional way, of course (just between you and I, Annie Lockwood is kind of a bitch anyway).

Anyhoo, I write songs and sing them. They’re musically very simple and the meat is in the lyrics, the sound is pretty raw (I come from a long line of folks who played music on their porches). I am not in the least, musically trained and in lieu of training spent massive amounts of time listening and practicing (as anyone would need to do to learn anything, right?!). I was an Autoharp player first – needless to say, you’ll never come out to see Annie Lockwood for her sweet hot licks on the guitar…..Hot licks, no – smidges of sweet protest, yes.

My songs are entirely based on my feeling at the moment they are written – no rhyme scheme, no planned song structure, etc. That being said, it took a long time to get to the point where I could actually perform my music for people because the thought of it made me want to puke - but at the same time felt like one of the only ways I could (and do) communicate the things that really get to me. I’m introverted and can be intensely shy – yet my communication takes place in front of people - another joke on me, thanks World for your laughing birds – right back at ya.

My songs can sound fairly dark, sad, or like a vivid joke lyrically but are all about peace and love in the end. I will be forever boggled as to why only about 10% of the time people actually “get” what I’m saying – or rather, listen to what I’m saying (no, again, these are not cover songs – I write them). I think that’s really weird, especially because my songs are so simple and quite frankly – my voice doesn’t suck. Which forces me to ask myself this: why do I care if people listen? Why do I care if peeps “get it”?

These questions force me to nail down my intention as a musician. Let’s go over the basics, which are completely contrary to what I “should” be doing as an independent musician according to “them”.

1) I do not like promoting myself aside from the announcement of shows (makes me uncomfortable).

2) I do not and will not participate in music contests, or any other “vote for me” facebook status updates, I do, however support folks that I like if they choose to compete. For myself, I just flat out don’t feel the need to compete musically and have no interest in doing so.

3) I generally prefer benefit shows – by choice. I’m beginning to understand that this isn’t normal.

What is the point of this, exactly? To be heard. To give back. To not have pressure such that I feel I need to alter any aspect of my art to “fit in” or show a little tit to make up for any weakness others may think I have as a musician – I don’t care if I never improve at my instrument because I will never stop singing lyrics such as “go buy yourself a rendezvous, and in the morning, go buy you some Jesus”…..and that’s what it’s about…..for me, anyway.

It’s not about me posting a link to your website from mine expecting some kind of reciprocal link sharing deal – I genuinely support what I like – period – no need to “get me back”. It’s not about status update subject matter that is 100% music promotion ALL THE TIME….

Doesn’t anyone ever want to just vent a pet peeve, share a story - maybe you sat next to the drunk guy on the bus today or maybe he wasn’t drunk, maybe he was just lonely and he looked like your Grandpa – who knows.

As a “singer-songwriter”, without a shit to give about the fact that all of my songs are in the positions of E, A, C, G, D, Am, Em – and maybe always will be (Autoharp player x-ing) – it feels damn good to do something I believe in, do it my way, and have it come from deep down – and not waver, two chords is enough.

In conclusion, Annie Lockwood is recording her first album (written by Andrea Lockwood), she will be writing about that interesting experience shortly...


Thanks for reading.-Andrea “Annie” Lockwood

Monday, June 28, 2010

Who the F#(k is Annie Lockwood?

Who the F#(k is Annie Lockwood?

Me, that's who.

I am one of the millions of musicians/singer-songwriters that walk among us. I decided to go ahead with a blog, so that I had a place to dump my stuff when I feel like dumping.

I love to discuss music and songwriting and its many mysteries. I am pretty much obsessed with the live music experience and just experiencing music all around. I may post some short write ups I've done on various musicians - I don't review the music, I discuss the experience.

I would classify myself as a decent lady, polite, modest, etc. I WILL, however, whore myself out for a good laugh - I love laughing and I love funny shit.

There is a widget (I hate that word) below with some music of mine - take a listen, I promise it's not a weird lure to get you to buy something.

More later...Annie.